Join One of Our Choirs!
We are the Chicago area’s largest no-audition choral program for adults 55 and better, and the only one in Illinois with a separate choir for persons with early-stage dementia and their care partners. Choirs are forming for our Fall session…
Learn more!
Our Sounds Good choirs provide older adults the opportunity to sing with a choir, meet and socialize with others, and reap the many health benefits associated with music, and group singing, in particular.
Open to Adults Over 55 (but we don’t card)
Sounds Good Choir is a fun, welcoming community where older adults enhance their well-being through the joy of music. All are welcome, regardless of experience or ability.
Fall choir
has begun!
Sheet music (yours to keep) is included in your registration and will be provide at the first rehearsal. Practice tracks are available both on our YouTube channel and here on our website to help you learn your part.
Explore our YouTube Channel
Our choirs feature beautiful seasonal music in 4-part and 3-part choral arrangements by the leading arrangers of our time.
Our rehearsals start with stretching and vocal warmups to get you singing at your best. Our conductors are experts in the training of the older adult voice.
Your registration includes all in-person rehearsals as well as our popular Friday morning online rehearsals on Zoom. Singers regularly report that multiple rehearsals help with their vocal technique and in learning their music.
Singing in Chicago and Beyond!
We offer Sounds Good Choir sessions in seven Chicago-area communities during the 15-week Spring and Fall sessions. Each choir rehearses once a week and concludes the session with free community concerts.
In the summer, we offer an 8-week “Summer Rocks” session, and the concerts include a live 4-piece band made up of some of Chicago’s finest professional rock musicians.
Providing a continuum of services as people age, we offer the Good Memories Choir (Gold Coast), which serves people with early-stage memory loss and their care partners, rehearsing and performing with a group of dedicated singing volunteers.
One of our locations is a combination of the Sounds Good and Good Memories models: this is the Dementia-Friendly Evanston Choir.