Bring on the Funny

Frog Cartoon

We asked for your best (worst?), most groan-inducing, belly-laugh provoking musical jokes and puns… and you sent us plenty. Some of you gifted us with a list of your favorites, while others shared entire websites devoted to music-related humor; one person even wrote her own joke.

Enjoy these chucklers; share them at your own risk.


How can you tell if a singer is at your door?
They can’t find the key and don’t know when to come in.


How long does it take for a conductor to change a light bulb?
Nobody knows because nobody was watching.
–Jennifer Mahoney


If you really want to sing with a friend: Just duet.
–Ramona Zavala

What Christmas carol do you sing when you’re waiting for a train in Chicago?
No “L”
–Maureen Schoenbeck


What do you call a computer that sings with powerful emotion?
–Jan Ackley Malecha


Son to Dad:  “Dad, when I am a grownup, I want to be a musician!”
Dad to Son:  “Sorry, Son. You can’t be both.”
–Helen Stancikas


Most erudite joke
“My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the ‘William Tell Overture’ without thinking of The Lone Ranger.” Irish actor, comedian and musician, Billy Connolly
–Mark Cornell


If you don’t “C Sharp,” you’ll B Flat.
–Phos Rivera


What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft?
A flat minor!”
–Ron Solberg


A drummer is tired of being mocked all the time by the other musicians, so he decides to learn a new instrument. He walks into a music store.
Clerk: “How may I help you?”
Drummer: “I’d like that red trumpet and that accordion over there.”
Clerk: “Sure, you can have the fire extinguisher, but the radiator stays.”


Why didn’t Handel go shopping?
Because he was Baroque.
–Elizabeth Taggart


I don’t have a favorite, but I asked my daughter (who graduated from Oberlin Conservatory in saxophone performance), and she referred me to an MIT website with all sorts of jokes. They are even broken down according to instrument.
–Ann E. Nunez


Best original joke
Why do the tenors and basses prefer to keep to themselves?
Because sopranos and altos are always in treble.
–Susan Barton


What is the hardest musical instrument to play?
Second fiddle.
–Jon Littman


What is Beethoven’s favorite fruit?


If a drummer comes out of retirement, will there be repercussions?
–Joell Escude


Why do they play harps in heaven?
Because lyres can’t get in.
–John Mueller


When do ducks sing?
At the QUACK of dawn.
–Mary Beth Speer


Most prolific jokester

How do you make a bandstand?Take away their chairs.

You say Car-MEEN-a and I say Car-MINE-a…Let’s carl the whole thing orff!

How many altos does it take to change a lightbulb?None. They can’t reach that high!

At any given time, the urge to sing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” isjust a whim away, a whim away, a whim away.”

–Rick Sladek


What’s the difference between a piano and a fish?
You can’t tuna fish.
–Jennifer Lesneak-Mahoney


I went Chopin, but I forgot my Liszt… so I guess I’ll go Bach.


How do you mend a brass instrument?
With a tuba glue!
–Barbara Shaw

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